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In The Media

Pulse diagnosis: No sale but plenty of unity. Central Florida 100

December 13, 2016

Beacon College psychologist Dr. A.

In The Media

Get Real: FDA “Tripping” On Trial to Treat PTSD With Ecstasy

December 13, 2016

Beacon College psychologist Dr. A.

In The Media

Reinventing the Holidays

December 6, 2016


In The Media

Same As You But Different

December 2, 2016

Alexandra Hegarty, a sophomore at Beacon College, shares how she found herself and success at Beacon College in this article in Florida Trend’s NEXT.

In The Media

Safe Spaces for … Your Dog

December 2, 2016

Brian Ogle shares advice on finding safe spaces for your dog during the stressful holiday season in this article on MomZette.

In The Media

MTV Bets on Rape Vigilantes in ‘Sweet/Vicious’ to Win New Viewers

November 15, 2016

Christopher Irving, a humanities instructor at Beacon College, weighs in on MTV’s controversial new series about women who seek vengeance against rapists in this article from Variety.

In The Media

How to Hire (and Retain) a Veteran

November 14, 2016

Dr. A.

In The Media

Queen Bee Syndrome: Do Women Judge Women Leaders More Harshly?

November 14, 2016

Dr. A.

In The Media

Hold Steady: Simple ways to improve your balance

November 3, 2016

Steven McDaniels, director of fitness & athletics, suggests exercises for senior citizens to improve their balance in this article (pg.

In The Media

The Presidential Election: How to Be Less Stressed

November 3, 2016

Dr. AJ Marsden, an assistant professor of human services and psychology, is quoted in this Minority Nurse piece on how to destress during the 2016 presidential campaign: http://minoritynurse.

In The Media

Is the MH370 disappearance the Titanic of modern times?

November 3, 2016

Dr. William Nesbitt, professor of English and the chair of the department of humanities, explains the fascination with the missing Malaysian Airlines flight in this Christian Science Monitor article: http://www.

In The Media

Advice and Resources for Mental Health Counselors

November 3, 2016

Dr. Nicki Nance, an a licensed psychotherapist and an assistant professor of human services and psychology, offers advice for aspiring mental health counselors in this ValuePenguin guide: https://www.