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Lisa Mauro

Learning Specialist (Freshman/Sophomore)

352-638-9755 Ext. 175lmauro@beaconcollege.edu


  • M.A. from Sacred Heart University: Teaching
  • Music Therapy Equivalency (in progress) from Saint Mary of the Woods College
  • B.A. from the University of Connecticut: Music

About Lisa Mauro

Lisa Mauro is a Learning Specialist and Academic Advisor at Beacon College. She earned a bachelor of arts in music from the University of Connecticut and master of arts in teaching from Sacred Heart University. Prior to Beacon, Mauro taught elementary music for seven years where she directed choir, instrumental, and musical theater ensembles, and she guided students who were accepted to regional and all state music festivals. She is the music director for the Beacon College choir group, Beacon Voices, and is working towards board certification in music therapy.